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Intro and Synopsis 

Weave makes Thought Leader Accessibility Smarter with AI by emulating personalities. As a result, it empowers billions of users around the globe to engage and be mentored in real time with the most prominent Industry Experts.

 Users use the tradition of Journaling as a channel through which AI Mentors obtain data, find patterns and form their perspectives on the feedback the user needs.

 The problem space that Weave addresses is in accordance to a statement by Dell that by 2030, 85 % of the jobs that will exist haven’t been invented yet. This would imply a rapid and constant decline of existing roles throughout all industries and an iterative learning requirement for people to be relevantly skilled.

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Background and Description

In the current state, for professionals to keep up with developments in their industry, Thought leaders play an important role in providing the most current or relevant information in their field of expertise. The more connected an individual is to the right Thought Leaders, the more current they would be expected to be in their careers.

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The Problem

The Challenge however lies in how individuals currently interact with Thought Leaders. Unlike in traditional modes of mentorship, where the interaction of a mentor is more interactive and hence personalized for the mentee, the interaction with Thought leaders especially on social media may perhaps be more unidirectional. Thought leaders, through their online social network broadcast their thoughts to the masses and are not easily able to establish personal dialogues with individual followers.

Secondly, given the unbalanced rate at which technology is developing in comparison to the rate at which humans learn, the human emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual condition need to be managed to help them operate at their highest potential.
It is likely that the disruption we see via technology will lead to higher levels of anxiety. 

The World Health Organization projects that by 2030, Depression is going to be the number one cause of disability.

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Project Goals / Objective

The goal of Weave is to have technological disruption be a catalyst that strengthens the growth potential of working professionals rather than being a source of anxiety, burnout and alienation. 

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The Strategy

Based on the synthesis derived via Design Research and Frameworks related to Design Thinking (Personas, Experience Maps, User Interviews) , Weave narrows its focus on three areas to help professionals reach their highest potential. These are Self Knowledge, Industry Knowledge and Drive.

 The ultimate goal that would define success for Weave is if the product helps users sustainably accelerate their rate of learning.

 The target audience of Weave is the Professional Tech Community.

 If every future company is a technology company and the future state indicates that all humans will be working in the realm of technology then addressing the current challenges associated with lifelong learning in the tech community many be of value to the future state sustainable growth requirements of humans in general.

Taking the above goals into consideration, Weave leverages the affordances of Smart Phone Technology and AI in its quest to address the problem space.


The Solution

The result is an application that emulates Thought Leader personalities and not only personalizes the the experience of communicating to Thought Leaders, but make their access more inclusive to potentially billions of global users.

It is believed that the 5 people one is closest to shapes their potential. Weave limits User interaction to five curated Thought Leaders at any given time.

At the heart of application is the Weave Journal. Through the process of Journaling, Weave collects user data and helps the user reflect on their thoughts by providing personalized feedback after journaling from the panel of five AI mentors.

Through the process of Learning, Unlearning and Reframing, Weave helps the user develop insights that aide in the users capacity to learn.

Other features in the application include Though Leader Network Management and User Analytics which help visualize Descriptive and Predictive development traits.

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The Results

In launching the initial prototypes, the desirability of the product from users was very high, however the viability was in question. Users have not experienced an AI based personality that is dependable based on the interactive needs of Weave.



In the next iterative development of the project, Weave requires cross disciplinary expertise in the field of Psychology and Data science to further scope out the backend requirements to build a minimum viable functional prototype that begins to effectively simulate human personality.

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Invision Prototype Link